Data Relay Satellite to be launched by ISRO to track Gaganyaan

Bengaluru- ISRO (The Indian Space Research Organization) is soon to launch a data relay satellite that will help maintain contact with the Gaganyaan mission throughout the process after the launch to keep track of all happenings, stated by the sources. 

Moreover, no specific date is being announced yet for the launch. But the sources say it will be done before the final leg of the Gaganyaan mission, which will be sent astronauts to the Lower Earth Orbit (LEO). 

In addition, the first-ever leg, the unmanned mission is set to launch in December. 

The spokesperson stated- “We’re planning to launch our own satellite, which will act as a data relay satellite before going for the first human space flight”. He added- The massive 800 crore project has been approved and work has been going on. 

The main reason behind launching a relay satellite is basic satellites in orbit cannot pass along their information to the ground stations on Earth if the satellites do not have a view of the ground station. 

ISRO is thought to be well connected with the mission. Even another big space station NASA, with a robust space mission program. Also has its own data relay satellite. 

A data relay satellite is like a tracking device that allows it to have global coverage of all satellites round the clock without having to build extra ground stations on Earth. 

The Space station uses several ground stations spread across the globe- Mauritius, Brunei, Indonesia, and Biak for the purpose. 

In March, the ISRO Chairperson K Sivan said that the space agency was also in talks with the Australian counterpart to have a ground station at the Coco islands for the Gaganyaan mission. He also added- there are blind spots, due to which there is a possibility of not receiving signals. 

But with a relay satellite, we can solve the issue, and will help address the issues properly. 

In addition, earlier this month, the ISRO signed a new agreement with French Space Agency CNES for cooperation for the Gaganyaan. It will be like a move that will help in enabling the training of Indian flight physicians in the French space agency’s facilities. 

Moreover, under this agreement, CNES-developed French equipment is tested, and still operating abroad the International Space station will be made available to Indian crews. It will also be supplying fireproof carrying bags made in France to shield the equipment well from shocks and radiation, it added. 

Lastly, in March, 4 prospective astronauts also returned to India after spending nearly a year in Russia. And ISRO is working constantly towards the proper execution of the mission. 

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