
PM Narendra Modi and Sheikh Hasina Discuss Defence, Blue Economy, and Terrorism in Bilateral Meeting

In a significant diplomatic engagement, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina held a bilateral meeting in Delhi on June 22, 2024. The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including defence cooperation, the blue economy, and counter-terrorism efforts. This meeting underscores the growing strategic partnership between the two South Asian neighbors, reflecting their commitment to regional stability and economic collaboration.

Historical Context and Significance

India and Bangladesh share a long history of cultural, economic, and political ties. Since the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971, facilitated by India’s support, the two countries have steadily built a robust relationship. Over the years, they have signed numerous agreements to enhance cooperation in various sectors, from trade and connectivity to security and environmental sustainability.

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The recent meeting between Modi and Hasina is particularly significant as it comes at a time when both nations are navigating complex regional dynamics, including the rise of China and evolving security challenges. The dialogue is expected to further solidify their partnership and explore new avenues for mutual growth.

Key Discussion Points

  1. Defence CooperationDefence collaboration was a major focus of the meeting. India and Bangladesh have been working closely on defence and security issues, including joint military exercises and training programs. The two leaders discussed expanding these initiatives to enhance interoperability and strategic coordination.
    • Joint Military Exercises: The countries plan to conduct more frequent joint military drills to improve coordination and preparedness.
    • Training and Capacity Building: India has offered to provide additional training programs for Bangladeshi military personnel, emphasizing specialized skills and advanced technology.
    • Defence Technology Exchange: There are ongoing discussions about sharing defence technologies and expertise, which could include the transfer of advanced equipment and systems.
  2. Blue EconomyThe blue economy, which refers to sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems, was another crucial topic. Both nations recognize the vast potential of the Bay of Bengal and are keen to harness its resources responsibly.
    • Maritime Security: Strengthening maritime security to combat illegal activities such as smuggling and piracy was a key point of discussion.
    • Sustainable Fishing Practices: The leaders emphasized the need for sustainable fishing practices to ensure long-term marine biodiversity and food security.
    • Marine Research and Development: Collaborative efforts in marine research and development, including joint exploration and technological innovations, were highlighted as essential for advancing the blue economy.
  3. Counter-TerrorismCounter-terrorism efforts are a shared priority for India and Bangladesh, given the persistent threat of extremist activities in the region. The bilateral talks aimed at enhancing cooperation to tackle terrorism and ensure regional stability.
    • Intelligence Sharing: Improved mechanisms for real-time intelligence sharing to preempt and counteract terrorist activities were discussed.
    • Border Security: Strengthening border security to prevent the infiltration of terrorists and illegal arms was another critical aspect.
    • Capacity Building: India is committed to supporting Bangladesh in building its counter-terrorism capacities through training and technological support.

Economic and Trade Relations

Beyond the key topics of defence, blue economy, and counter-terrorism, the meeting also addressed economic and trade relations. India and Bangladesh have seen a substantial increase in bilateral trade, with India being one of Bangladesh’s top trading partners.

  • Trade Facilitation: The leaders discussed ways to simplify trade procedures and reduce barriers to boost bilateral trade volumes.
  • Investment Opportunities: India is keen to invest in Bangladesh’s infrastructure and energy sectors, which are critical for its economic development.
  • Connectivity Projects: Enhancing connectivity through road, rail, and maritime links is expected to facilitate smoother trade and movement of people between the two countries.

Cultural and People-to-People Ties

The rich cultural heritage shared by India and Bangladesh continues to be a foundation of their bilateral relations. Initiatives to promote cultural exchanges and enhance people-to-people contacts were also part of the discussions.

  • Cultural Exchanges: Both nations agreed to organize more cultural events and exchanges to strengthen their historical and cultural ties.
  • Educational Collaboration: Expanding educational collaborations, including scholarships and academic exchanges, to foster greater understanding and cooperation between young people in both countries.


The bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina marks another milestone in the enduring partnership between India and Bangladesh. By addressing critical issues such as defence cooperation, the blue economy, and counter-terrorism, the two leaders have set the stage for deeper collaboration and mutual growth. As both countries navigate the complexities of the 21st century, their commitment to working together for regional stability and prosperity remains unwavering.

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