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Types of Investments that Help Obtain Dual Citizenship for Businessmen & Investors

According to the Investment Migration Council, about 5000 people become citizens by investment annually. That’s because around 100 countries worldwide have citizenship by investment programs. Consequently, the global Citizenship by Investment (CBI) industry is projected to reach $100 billion in the next few years.

Therefore, if you’re willing to spend some money on investment or start a business in another country, it’s one of the fastest ways to become a citizen of that country.

You can leverage different investment options and business opportunities, including government bonds, real estate, development funds, etc.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common options available.

Investments Options that Help Obtain Dual Citizenship

To secure a second passport, you need to know all the citizenship by investment options available to you. Several countries offer citizenship by investment programs and will willingly offer you a second passport when you meet the requirements.

However, every country has different investment benefits and requirements. For example, you need to invest about $200,000 into real estate to obtain a St Kitts and Nevis passport

There may be differences in the requirements for each country; accordingly, the type of investment options can also vary. However, some investment options seem to be standard across the board. They include;

Real Estate Investment

Real estate investments involve investing in residential or commercial property in any country. The ownership model can vary from fractional or shared ownership to total ownership. It can also come in the form of a lease for the required duration.

Shared Ownership

If you own a fraction of a large real estate development, you’re considered a passive investor. That’s because you will not actively manage any part of the development.

The EB-5 Visa Program in the USA, which allows you to invest in Regional Centers, is a perfect example of the passive real estate investment that leads to permanent residency and citizenship later on.

Types of Investments that Help Obtain Dual Citizenship for Businessmen & Investors
 Copyright:  Luca Dugaro on Unsplash I License: CC0 Public  Domain

Total Ownership

With total ownership, you have the right to the entire property, a title deed, and everything done will be in your name. However, the challenge will be in the place of maintenance as you will be fully responsible.

Several countries offer a mix of both. Bulgaria’s Project St. Sofia is a perfect example. It’s a new investment program that’s groundbreaking and guaranteed to become a key landmark for leisure and businesses.

It’s the first mega-resort development of its kind in Europe. Secure investment with high growth potential. It offers the option to own actual property with a title deed and the opportunity to invest in real estate shares.

For all types of real estate investment options, you will need to maintain the initial invested amount for a specific amount of time before you can be considered for a passport issue and become a citizen. The time frame can vary from about three to five years.

In exceptional cases, you may have to hold the investment for up to 9 or 10 years. Bahamas, Bermuda, Colombia, and Monaco are some countries with such requirements.

Government Bonds

Investing in Government Bonds is another option for dual citizenship. It is the safest investment scheme because it does not risk losing your capital. You will also not need to be personally involved in the process.

The country’s government insures the bond respectively, but after a holding period (specified by the government), your initial deposit is returned to you without its accruing interest.

If your goal is mainly to obtain the country’s passport and not for gain, the government bond investment is the safest and best option. However, if you want your investment to yield and be of significant benefit to you aside from dual citizenship, consider starting a business or investing in real estate properties.

Quebec Investor Visa Program issues permanent residency to investors who make a single deposit of CAN $1.2 million, and the government holds on to it for five years. You’ll have back the initial deposit after the time has elapsed without accrued interest. It will be a stepping stone -and a strong one- toward becoming a citizen.

Business Enterprise

If you want to expand your business empire into other countries, this desire can become your ticket toward dual citizenship. Many countries would embrace business people who want to start a business or establish a branch of their business in the country.

Such investment options provide employment opportunities and can help preserve existing ones. Therefore, countries throw citizenship offers at business owners as an incentive. Only a few countries, such as Germany, seem hostile to the idea.

Types of Investments that Help Obtain Dual Citizenship for Businessmen & Investors
 Copyright: Bundo Kim on Unsplash I License: CC0 Public  Domain

Germany does not have a Golden Visa Program or direct citizenship by business investment program. However, if you choose to start a business in the country, you will be granted temporary residency. After three years, it can lead to permanent residence. If you remain in the country, doing business, you can become a citizen after six to eight years.

Some countries can be hostile in offering citizenship by business investment; however, most countries of the world will easily offer citizenship to anyone with a qualified business enterprise. UK innovator category, St. Lucia CIP, Antigua, and Barbuda are some of the few countries with less stress for business persons. They can also allow for a joint application for investors who share business ownership.

Non-Refundable Donation to a government-supported program

This option is a philanthropic way to become a citizen. You must donate to an approved charity or fund in a particular country. You will positively impact the country and its economic development while you seek to become a citizen.

Countries that offer this investment option set the donation value range. For example, Malta allows you to contribute to the National Development and Social Fund and a pegged donation of a minimum of €600,000; you can only make such a donation after three years of living in the country on a resident permit. You will then be considered for citizenship.

The terms and conditions for the investment option vary significantly from country to country. You may need to find out what your desired country offers under this option.

Weigh your option before making a decision

Investing in dual citizenship is beneficial on so many fronts. There are several investment options through which you can obtain a second passport. Ensure you weigh all your options and choose the one best suited for you. 

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