
Reduce Hudson of PANDA on most up-to-date occasions indicating that, sooner or later, the tide on the back of the reliable Covid-19 myth will seemingly be turning

2020 used to be a remarkably absurd three hundred and sixty five days. This can with out raze be etched in our recollections as one in which potentially the most radical departure from actuality as we knew it occurred. Nonetheless whereas ‘the unusual customary’ imposed upon the enviornment final three hundred and sixty five days, and its stark disagreement from lifestyles as we knew it, would possibly perhaps per chance, probably, imprint 2020 as extra distinctive in its peculiarity, the brand new and in most cases incongruous actuality that unfolded in 2021, in many ways, surpassed that of its predecessor. PANDA, Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics, used to be one among the very first organisations that vocalised serious issues in appreciate of the reliable Covid-19 myth that, by mid-2020, had turn into omnipresent and entrenched in reputedly every organisation with any affect over or stake in pandemic-associated policy. As the provision of data and recordsdata contradicting the reliable myth elevated in 2021, so did an unparalleled diploma of censorship of dissenting voices and, powerful extra astoundingly, of us that merely requested ‘the unfriendly’ questions. Promises of an expedited return to normality by the ‘straight forward’ acceptance of and compliance with particular directives introduced on a profound and harmful divide in society. One day of the chaos and criticism, PANDA has courageously stood its ground. Up till a few weeks within the past, the reliable myth appeared impervious to the myriad ruptures in its credibility. This text by PANDA co-founder Reduce Hudson, on the opposite hand, outlines the occasions which unfolded quickly thereafter that, together, notify that the tide would possibly perhaps per chance very properly be turning. – Nadya Swart

Welcome to Clown World: Phase 4—An exceptional week

By Reduce Hudson, PANDA

Supreme week gets my vote for potentially the most eventful one within the two years of insanity that has been the Covid policy response. These are the plenty of occasions that absorb been underreported or mischaracterised by mainstream media.

Fraud & misrepresentation

Before all the pieces, the indefatigable Dr Tess Lawrie, founder of the British Ivermectin Suggestion Pattern Initiative and the World Council for Effectively being, dropped evidence of scientific fraud linking Unitaid, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Andrew Hill—an affiliate of the College of Liverpool. The recording of Lawrie’s dialog with Hill is jaw-losing, revealing how Hill acted on the behest of Unitaid to suppress evidence—that he himself believed in—of the effectiveness of Ivermectin towards Covid.

Secondly, emails released pursuant to a Freedom of Files Act application published how Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, then head of the US National Institutes of Effectively being, conspired to smear public health experts who known as for an end to lockdowns. Collins wrote about the Colossal Barrington Declaration that “there needs to be a instant and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don’t see one thing else address that on-line yet – is it underway?” Social media large Eric Weinstein’s summary used to be lawful. “Take note when I tried to present you about how academia in actual fact works? That is it: unbearable careerist takedown artists smearing every genuine dissenter.”

In the meantime, over the pre-Christmas weekend back across the pond, in a dialogue with Spectator editor Fraser Nelson, Graham Medley, the chair of Covid modelling for the UK’s SAGE, published that his crew very most sharp showed scenarios that suited their political overlords, which is to say, these that forecast catastrophe and justified restrictions.


PANDA documented the same alarming cases around the devices that absorb been dilapidated to account for South Africa’s interminable lockdown, notably in a pair of articles published on BizNews that would moreover be discovered here and here.

Breakthrough cases of truth-telling

Nonetheless whereas these inappropriate and conflicted public health officers and lecturers absorb been getting tripped up by their very luxuriate in lies and crimes, the voices of sane of us—of us free of conflicts and possessed of ample courage to do away with huge deepest anguish in bringing truth into the sunshine—absorb begun to interrupt throughout the legacy media omerta and censorship by tech firm oligarchs. Peter McCullough’s appearance on the Joe Rogan present, by some yardage the enviornment’s finest podcast, used to be a watershed 2nd.

Three books revealing the extent of malfeasance and political intervention graced most sharp vendor lists. Robert Kennedy’s “The Precise Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Noteworthy Pharma, and the International Battle on Democracy and Public Effectively being” needs to be for your Christmas stocking. Impeccably referenced and lacerating in its criticism, this can alternate the manner you imagine about the Covid saga. Dr Scott Atlas’ “Plague Upon our Dwelling” embeds the perspectives of an administration insider, detailing how following “The Science” entailed inept career bureaucrats following no science at all. Alex Berenson’s “Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Authorities, Rights, and Lives” locations the emphasis significantly otherwise, however the total checklist is the identical. Sound public health solutions absorb been discarded in favour of the ruinous proclamations of inappropriate and conflicted officers. This has no longer been about public health, but about the political and deepest agendas of a rich and strong elite.

Propaganda through censorship

Revealing the extent to which social media titans are colluding with vaccine stakeholders to duvet up the truth, Twitter banned Abir Ballan permanently, a PANDA govt committee member, with a Masters of Public Effectively being, for reporting on the Lawrie-Hill dialog and its implications. As her thread on the discipline had nothing to say about public health policies, here’s a case of a social media firm acting to duvet up a fundamental scientific fraud.


Now not to be outdone, YouTube pulled down a viral interview of Sonia Elijah, a historical BBC investigative journalist and researcher. The interview dealt alongside with her article, “FDA’s forced hand drops Pfizer’s Bombshell Security Doc”, describing the revelation, also obtained through a Freedom of Files Act query, that the FDA and Pfizer had acted to veil the paunchy extent of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine aspect effects from the general public.

A policy about-face

PANDA has consistently railed towards the advanced of lies that underpins the Covid policy response. Namely, we have pointed out that the “droplet and fomite” thought of Covid transmission used to be with out substance. In an advisory letter worthy for the profound about-face that it makes, and its failure to brand the implications of that about-face, South Africa’s Ministerial Advisory Committee—the same of the UK’s SAGE—asserted what lustrous scientists absorb understood from the starting up. Covid is transmitted by (minute) aerosol particles, in desire to by droplets and fomites (surface particles).

It used to be droplet-and-fomite thought that motivated the lion’s fragment of the Covid policy measures, including social distancing, the more than a few iterations of the six-toes rule, contact tracing in step with proximity, sanitising, elbow-bumping, conceal mandates, perspex dividers, stickers on the flooring, and most PPE. Nonetheless droplet-and-fomite thought used to be misinformation, and unhealthy misinformation at that, because it induced a fundamental diversion of scarce resources a long way from customary public health approaches that would absorb saved lives.

What this methodology for 2022

A tipping point has been reached and a gargantuan unravelling is gathering momentum. As a inhabitants psychosed by dread wakes up to the truth of the fraud that has propelled the Covid response, its predictable (and predicted) futility and its gigantic collateral misfortune, we can see both witting and unwitting vassals of the propaganda abandoning ship. Looking on their diploma of complicity, the publicity of their pronouncements and the extent of their conflicts, they’ll climb down in numerous ways and to numerous degrees at numerous times, developing a chaotic atmosphere in which mutually annihilating solutions are held by the identical organisations, or even the identical people.

The South African MAC’s assertion is a high instance. Have faith been I to assign up a video merely studying that assertion and explaining its implications, it will perhaps perhaps per chance per chance be banned on YouTube within hours, even supposing YouTube would possibly perhaps per chance per chance be violating its luxuriate in neighborhood standards, by contradicting a local health authority.

Many will blame variants, announcing that The ScienceTM used to be upright within the previous, but has modified to deem the emergent beast. Nonetheless this would be nonsense. Mutations would possibly perhaps per chance affect transmissibility or virulence on the margins, but they cannot lead to wholesale adjustments in modes of transmission and mechanisms of scientific motion.

So 2022 will seemingly be a three hundred and sixty five days of fireworks, with cause triumphing over propaganda. See you on the more than a few aspect.

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