Business Tycoon Baba Ramdev arrested?

Story Highlights
  • No one has the guts to arrest me: Baba Ramdev dares authorities amid row over allopathy remarks

On Wednesday, a new video of the yoga teacher appeared in which he says no one has the bravery to arrest him after the Indian Medical Association (IMA) urged for his arrest on sedition charges for his statement that “allopathy is foolish science.” Baba Ramdev, who has been the subject of a backlash for allegedly disparaging allopathy and modern medicine, has now stated that no one can detain him.

“No one has the power to arrest Ramdev. They’re only making noises at the moment. In the video, the yoga instructor can be heard stating, “Let them do what they do best.”

The IMA urged Prime Minister Modi to punish the “owner of Patanjali goods” with sedition for “creating panic” over Covid vaccination. The IMA also praised the Prime Minister for emphasizing the need for immunization in all of his public speeches. The Indian Medical Association has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to use the next “Mann Ki Baat” programs to promote immunization.

“He has also said that Allopathy Ek Stupid Aur Diwaliya Science Hai,’ and that hundreds of people have died as a result of using allopathic drugs for COVID-19-related symptoms. “These films are going popular on social media,” according to IMA.

Allopathy Vs Ayurveda

Allopathic medicine is based on a large body of scientific knowledge and pursues a clinical approach. Western culture is believed to be dependent on medicinal treatments and prescription drugs. Allopathic medicine takes a different approach and focuses on treating symptoms, depending on the pharmaceutical industry and the drugs used to treat the disease.

On the one hand, Ayurveda is an area of medicine, on the other hand allopathy is a component of alternative medicine, which is, of course, located primarily in India. On the other hand, allopathic medicine is a term coined to refer to the common medical use of active ingredients (drugs) and physical interventions (such as surgery) to treat or suppress the symptoms of a disease. Ayur Vedic Medicine focuses on keeping the body in a state of balance through diet, diet, lifestyle, herbs and spices, seasonal changes in the environment and improving mental health.

Ayurveda is an ancient form of alternative medicine that involves the treatment of diseases with the aid of herbs, vegetables and minerals, followed by a healthy improvement of the human body in this form. While allopathy is a modern treatment method, Ayurveda is an ancient treatment method. It is one of the oldest treatments, said to be between three and four thousand years old. However, it is time to define Ayur Vedas themselves, the use of herbs, the use of herbs, other treatments, Ayuvedic principles and what it is all about.

Choosing both is a difficult task if you are not aware of the difference between Ayurveda and allopathy. In this article I will discuss the differences between the two and the treatments based on their effects on the human body. The study of Ayur Vedas is very different from that of allopathy as a medical aspirant, and in fact people are often confused about the difference between allopathy and Ayurvinga in general.

The Secretary General of the World Academy of Ayurveda, Mr. Jadranko Miklec, who is a qualified therapist in the field of yoga, points out that Western medicine treats symptoms, but not the cause of chronic diseases, a term that allopathic medicine characterizes as incurable. The concept of disease and treatment is diametrically opposed from the perspective of allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine. Allopathic medicine regards the disease as an attack on the body and treatment as a fight against the disease, while Ayurvinga regards the disease as an imbalance in the body that is rebalanced by treatment.

Patanjali’s Coronil as COVID19 Treatment

Patanjali Research Institute (PRI) has published multiple research papers where it clearly states that it can fight mild and moderate coronavirus. The Zebrafish has been a reliable model system for studying human viral pathologies. SARS-CoV-2 viral infection has become global chaos, affecting millions of people. There is an urgent need to contain the pandemic and develop reliable therapies. We report the use of a humanized zebrafish model, xeno-transplanted with human lung epithelial cells, A549, for studying the protective effects of a tri-herbal medicine Coronil. At human-relevant doses of 12 and 58 µg/kg, Coronil inhibited SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, induced humanized zebrafish mortality, and rescued from behavioral fever.

Morphological and cellular abnormalities along with granulocyte and macrophage accumulation in the swim bladder were restored to normal. Skin hemorrhage, renal cell degeneration, and necrosis were also significantly attenuated by Coronil treatment. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) analysis identified ursolic acid, betulinic acid, withanone, withaferine A, withanoside IV–V, cordifolioside A, magnoflorine, rosmarinic acid, and palmatine as phyto-metabolites present in Coronil. In A549 cells, Coronil attenuated the IL-1? induced IL-6 and TNF-? cytokine secretions, and decreased TNF-? induced NF-?B/AP-1 transcriptional activity. Taken together, we show the disease modifying immunomodulatory properties of Coronil, at human equivalent doses, in rescuing the pathological features induced by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, suggesting its potential use in SARS-CoV-2 infectivity.

You can read all the research papers here.

Baba Ramdev’s contribution to India

Business Tycoon Baba Ramdev arrested?
H.H. Swami Ramdev Ji

Ramdev Baba has spread his yoga Gyan and trained and explained the importance of yoga to the world, also he claims to treated many incurable diseases from yoga. Ramdev said in a statement that her sacrifice was an irreparable loss to the entire organization, but her death will not be in vain for others who will continue to fight for a corruption-free India. As part of the Indian corruption movement, Baba Ramdev initiated an open-ended protest on 10 August 2012 against the government’s failure to tackle corruption and curb black money.

Ramdev has claimed that his Ayurvedic and traditional Hindu medicines have been certified by the World Health Organisation, a claim the UN body disputes in an official tweet. The ministry said it had received details of studies on the ingredients in Ramdev’s products before he put them on the market. People should wait for drugs to be approved by the government. To date, more than 70 million people have come into contact with Baba Ramdev through his yoga camps, and it is believed that this number will increase to 200 million in the future.

Ramdev, like her and Balkrishna, exaggerates his central role. We stroll down a brick path to a small bungalow where Ramdev sits on a carved wooden swing, laughing and chatting with the guests. It radiates a flexible warmth that covers a long distance.

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev’s latest tirade against allopathy at a private yoga event has turned those who loathe him into ballistics. Despite his phenomenal contribution to popularizing the yogic ayurvedic lifestyle for ordinary Indians, Baba is known to waste it with occasional bouts of rude talk. When he criticises allopathy, he is entitled to do so.

Apart from yoga, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev aspires to help India become an economic superpower on several levels. Patanjali Ayurved has previously sold consumer goods ranging from shampoo to noodles, outselling multinationals.
Ramdev’s Patanjali consumer items have lately made waves in the market, as its Ayurvedic items have gained traction over established companies that offer shampoo, detergents, and cosmetic goods in addition to noodles.

COVID19 Treatment By Patanjali Research institute

The correlation among treatment satisfaction with demographic characteristics, health symptoms or psychological health, and quality of life with the prophylactic regime against COVID-19 is rather unexplored. This real-world exploratory study was conducted to determine patient perspectives regarding their treatment satisfaction receiving Divya-Swasari-Coronil-Kit with correlative impacts on psychological health (PH) and Quality of life (QoL) based on four hypotheses each relating to PH, QoL, Demographic characteristics, and Treatment satisfaction.

Covid19 Treatment In Allopathy And Its Side Effects

Doctors with experience of using these medications should monitor their intake carefully to ensure that the recommended guidelines are followed. In many countries, doctors give COVID-19 patients drugs that are not approved for this virus. The Covid-19 risk is higher in the elderly, children and patients who have had other health problems such as lung disease, heart disease, diabetes or cancer.

No one has been approved to treat Coronavirus Disease ( COVID-19) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) but many drugs are being tested. Some drugs in this category can delay clinical decline and improve cognition and / or function in people with Alzheimer’s. Umifenovir An antiviral drug called Umifanovir is marketed in Russia under the brand name Arbidol and is available for the treatment of influenza in China and is being studied for COVID-19 in China and other countries.

There is no clinical evidence that homeopathy is a medicine or a medicine for the treatment of COVID-19 [40, 41]. However, some companies are developing drug candidates for Covid-19 after producing virus-like particles from the coronavirus. Researchers are also studying drugs to prevent Covids-19 after contact with the virus. Most health experts at the World Health Organization, the US Department of Health, and the UK National Health Service advise against using it as an alternative to conventional medicine for life-threatening diseases and at best as a harmless placebo provider and at worst as a lethal concoction.

COVID-19 is a disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was first detected in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in the Chinese province of Hubei. This article describes Sars-CoC-2 disease, prevention, management, treatment and social impact on society. The main difference between homeopaths and allopathies is the different approach to disease management. While modern medicine focuses on a better understanding of the virus and aims to find treatments and develop vaccines, homeopathy studies focus on symptom management. 

Remdesivir may also be administered with dexamethasone in inpatient patients requiring additional oxygen or mechanical ventilation. The FDA has said the rheumatoid arthritis drug baricitinib (olumiant) can be used in combination with rem desivir in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who need mechanical ventilators and additional oxygen. Favipiravir, an antiviral medicine called favipirivir, was approved in China on February 17, 2020 for the treatment of influenza and approved in clinical trials for the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia.

In many cases, oral medications are reserved for people who have had little success with other psoriasis treatments. In some cases, the drug tocilizumab with dexamethasone may be administered to patients who are hospitalized with mechanical ventilation or require additional oxygen. Medics should consider the possibility of side effects at higher doses and be extra careful when combining them with other medications such as azithromycin, which can cause similar side effects, especially in the heart.

Monoclonal antibodies are proteins produced in the laboratory that help the immune system fight off the virus. The concentrated pathogen-specific antibodies derived from patient-derived plasma have the potential to induce an immune response when injected into new patients. Casirivimab (imdevimab, REGN-COV2) is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies that work together to block the virus’ infectivity SARS-CoV-2.

If you have difficulty remembering what medications you have taken, as many people do, ask your pharmacist to list all the medications and treatments you have ever taken or are currently taking.


We have seen that anyways Ayurveda has long expertise on dealing with many treatments, and Allopathy is still under development. and Allopathy has many beautiful life saving drugs, and surgeries. Ultimately the society needs both of it.

But it dose not mean that we have to ignore the contributions of Baba Ramdev and a simple man who worth of $ 190 Million, 1400 Crore INR, dose not own anything as his personal property. and dosenot withdraw a single peni for his own use.

We need to understand that we need this kind of Buisness Tycoons in India and the public has to encourage them by supporting Indian Business.

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