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Jeff Bezos makes an addition to the company’s mantra in his last letter as CEO to employees

Bengaluru- on Thursday, Amazon CEO and co-founder Jeff Bezos said in his final letter to employees and shareholders that- Inc needs to do better at taking care of its employees. 

This decision came just after Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama voted against forming a union by a more than 2 to 1 margin, a major win for the retailer that has fiercely resisted unionization. 

He wrote in the letter- “While the voting results were lopsided and our direct relationship with employees is strong, it’s clear to me that we need a better vision for how we create value for employees”. He added- “I think we need to do a better job for our employees”. 

It has been stated that Amazon is following harsh working conditions and employees aren’t fully satisfied with the working environment and other relatable things. 

Bezos said while replying over the criticism- that the company’s workers were treated as robots is inaccurate. He is claiming that they think and always follow a friendly working environment which gives proper balance in life and work. 

He also said- “we don’t set unreasonable performance goals. We set achievable performance goals that take into account tenure and actual employee performance data”. 

He claims that he always planned to work on how to make Amazon’s workhouses safer, open, friendly in his new role as an executive chairman. 

On the other hand, the head of the Amazon cloud division, Andy Jassy will soon take over as a CEO. 

Lastly, Amazon is facing a lot of criticism from the workforce for not having feasible working conditions. But it is trying its best to solve it and release a solution as soon as possible. 

Note: This news is based on millions of articles over the internet, Global Business Line does not take any responsibility for the facts and information mentioned in this news article.

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