
Automation, AI and Machine Learning and Their Significance after COVID

AI has always been associated with computers and robots, but now the significance of AI, Automation, and Machine Learning is widespread and globally accepted and appreciated.

AI is used in every walk of life; media, gadgets, gaming, smartphones, home appliances, industrial plant and machinery, business operations, and smart cars. AI has made lives better.

Due to the fatal coronavirus pandemic, AI has gained momentum, better utility, and became an indispensable part of everyday lives. 2020 has been a difficult time, and AI has assisted in:

  • Digitalization
  • Cybersecurity
  • Comprehending and analyzing consumer needs
  • Forecasting pandemics and finding a suitable cure
  • Smarter devices 
  • Global job creation and geolocation app development
  • Enabling and empowering Robots to take over the human workforce.

How Automation, AI, and Machine Learning is Changing our World for the Better

Artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning have empowered the Fourth Industrial Revolution, wherein humans don’t have to fear technology outsmarting them. The world has become a much convenient and better place to live in because of AI.

Automation, AI and Machine Learning and Their Significance after COVID

Let us see how:

1. Bridging Language Barriers

AI-powered language tools, along with NLP, have made personalized teaching of new languages speech/text translation possible and extremely convenient. This has bridged cultural and social barriers in everyday lives and offers a means of understanding people across the globe.

2. Transforming and Empowering the Government

AI has the power to radically change Government functioning and public administration. The risks, opportunities, and strengths of this technology should be crucially assessed and evaluated. It creatively helps in quicker responses, efficient decision-making, productive functionality, less paperwork, and a more constructive bureaucracy.

3. AI helps in creating New Jobs.

AI changes the workforce, killing redundant jobs while creating almost double new jobs for people. AI jobs are more engaging and less repetitive, giving a wider horizon to the employee to focus on their jobs and achieve extreme job satisfaction out of their technological, innovative, and critical work on AI.

4. Creating Art

AI, automation, and computational creativity have converted space into a lab, art into science, and the artist into an analytical researcher. The software used is more of a creative collaborator rather than a mere tool.

5. Delivering Health Care

Specifically, after the 2020 pandemic, AI has become an indispensable part of health care. The automation and machine learning branches of AI are more affordable and accessible. It empowers the authorities and offers instant symptom checking and fast access to relevant data to physicians.

AI-powered chat boxes are aligned to deliver advice to millions at the same time. Patients save health care money and get a convenient, safe, and accurate answer to their medical issues whenever they want it.

Automation, AI and Machine Learning and Their Significance after COVID

There are multiple changes and updates in technology, and AI has managed to shape the future of the world. A valid concern or question could be how much does artificial intelligence costs? It can vary depending on the services utilized and the type of organization it is applied to.

Let us understand the major trends and transformations introduced by AI post-COVID

1. AI-Powered Chatbot 

AI-Powered chatbots are already a winner in terms of offering personalized support and the most effective breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence trends. It has a positive impact on businesses and is generally used for customer acquisition, support, service, retention, marketing, and sales. This is to provide unconditional and 24 by 7 support to the customer without human intervention. Huge databases are used to make the conversations personal

2. AI-Enabled Chips 

AI-Enabled Chips have become the new normal for all smartphones. This feature is estimating huge revenues in the coming years. It comprises AI-enabled features like object detection, computer vision, facial recognition, and natural language processing. These use less power and are measured to perform approximately 15 trillion operations per second. Brands like Apple have already integrated AI-Enabled Chips, and all other smartphones will soon follow.

3. AI and Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence will make cybersecurity more powerful to face modern cybercrimes and create a super-efficient system of cybersecurity. AI, along with Machine Learning, can be deployed in private, public, and government-protected areas and curb evolving threats like malware, phishing, hacking, ransomware, DDS Attacks, and so much more.

AI-powered cybersecurity tools run algorithms to identify patterns, potential data breaches and detect or predict threatening activity. It helps in collecting data from websites, digital activity, transactional systems, and the company’s network communication when it comes to businesses.

4. Predictive analytics 

Predictive analytics can prevent a major business loss,and post COVID-19, this will be used more prominently for predicting possible epidemics and pandemics. The advent of an artificial intelligence future trend called AI-assisted epidemiology will be the new future which comprises a host of systems that can accurately predict how, when, and where future outbreaks will occur.

This will further enable consistent cross-border cooperation and will depend on technological advancements and global politics and legislators.

5. Hyper Automation 

AI will refine business processes and introduce Hyper Automation which will free humans from certain tasks which are monotonous and menial. Countless complex jobs consume a lot of time and effort. Automation and AI come as saviors and take care of these jobs letting humans concentrate on other responsible, demanding, and creative jobs which ensure the smooth running of any enterprise.

This practice will enhance the efficiency of employees and revolutionize day-to-day business processes, and it is trending more evidently post coronavirus.

6. Gaming and Entertainment Experience 

AI and automation have created a more personal and immersive gaming and entertainment experiencerevolutionizing the industry. This existed before the coronavirus, but the pandemic has made the whole experience more realistic using virtual tools like smartphones and gaming consoles.

Machine Learning has made gaming an immersive experience bringing about precise personalization, allowing businesses to deliver tailored customer entertainment.

7. User Behavioral Transformation 

Coronavirus has changed every aspect like socializing, working, and living of human life, and we have seen exponential growth in digitalization. Many businesses are conducted online through the E-Commerce store setup, predicting consumer behavior and their adaptability to new trends with the help of artificial intelligence.

8. Big Data Analytics

Sharper Big Data analytics and insights, along with access to massive and quality data on demand, buying trends, and supply helps in making smarter business choices and predicting the market scenario. This data processing requires real-world interactions but with technological advancements like the Internet of Things and Big Data, it would make access to accurate data very easy. Post coronavirus businesses based on data-driven decisions will naturally rely on technology to simulate real-life situations.


The only benefit the world derived from coronavirus is making people adapt to Artificial Intelligence. With clear evidence as depicted by 2020 stats, AI, Automation and ML are the new norm in the world and are critical for companies, healthcare, society, and the Government.

It has changed the way we live, work and play. Security, privacy, and safety of data is a major challenge, but relevant precautions are taken at each end.

Artificial Intelligence is set to benefit all areas like Industry revolution 4.0-automation, robotics, logistic, agriculture, aerospace, and connected mobility. Looking at AI strategies, we can delve into its presence in various existing and evolving fields and measure its paramount significance, especially post COVID

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Kunal Guha

Director, Founder and Editor in Chief
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