Press Release

The Holistic Living Celebrates Womanhood With Unique Group Life Coaching Sessions

Business Wire India

Keeping up with its reputation of providing access to life transforming wellness coaching & events, the community wellness platform, ‘The Holistic Living®’ hosted free online sessions with top life coaches, counselors, therapists and healers in India on the eve and occasion of International Women’s Day 2021.

The events were held in the spirit of celebrating womanhood. The brief program of group life coaching sessions, with a special focus on women, concluded on International Women’s Day i.e., 8th of March.

A unique campaign “WISDOM & WEALTH of WELLNESS for WOMEN” was organized, which catered not only to the home-makers and working women in the country but also to the youngsters, students, professionals, elderly and everybody who relates to the importance of natural wellness.

Honoring women all across for being the primary caretakers of children and elders in every part of the country and the world, The Holistic Living® concedes that women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges when the economy and political organization of a society change.

Sanjeev Mittal, Founder & Managing Partner of The Holistic Living®, firmly believes that everyone including women has the right to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Today, women play more than one role in life: professional roles, family roles, community roles, and personal roles. It can sometimes be challenging to manage multiple priorities at once. Finding the right balance between responsibilities is a life skill that women including everyone else in the society must actively cultivate.

Sanjeev says, “Holistic Living is both our passion and mission to empower more and more individuals especially women to take charge of their own lives across 7 key element of life – Mind, Body, Soul, Family & Relationship, Work, Money and Social Lifestyle." He further quotes Diane Mariechild’s famous lines – “A woman is the full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”

“Every woman is a superwoman, the secret of unlocking that superwoman inside you lies in ancient wisdom. One should have a session with us to experience the un-experienced,” Sandeep Nath, who is a Mindfulness Coach, said while seconding Sanjeev Mittal’s views.

While expressing their views about the program, the Life Coaches sounded enthusiastic and revealed some interesting ‘perspectives’.

Mahesh Sharma, who is an EFT Practitioner, mentioned that Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping is an amazingly effective way not only to deal with one’s unresolved negative emotions but also to genuinely loving and accepting oneself.

While Dr. Rupali Shah (Doctor and Nutritionist), answered the most sought-after questions of modern-day lifestyle: “How to lose weight naturally?” during one of the interesting sessions, “Lose Weight Not Taste”. She informed, “Fitness does not mean punishing your body. Eat whatever you like without losing out on taste through Sustainable Weight Management.”

On the other hand, Monica Madnani (Celebrity Psychic Tarot Card Reader & Spiritual Healer) exhibited her Crystal Ball Gazing expertise to reveal answers to some of the tricky questions posed by the attendees.

Talking of relationships, Millennial Marriage Coach, Leena Paranjpe said, “Sometimes only love is not enough to make relationships work. There are secrets of strengthening your relationship and flourishing in your marriage emotionally.”

Addressing the relationship concerns, in particular, “3 Secrets of a Happy Marriage” segment of the program focussed on pre and post-marital issues and was extremely popular with the platform’s enrolled members. The session, as per the organizers, will go a long way in creating an emotional bond among couples.

While interacting with the Life Coaches, the participants were brimming with enthusiasm and intrigue as they experienced some resolution of their issues.

Nisha Bhalla (Celebrity Tarot Card Reader and Vaastu Expert) had her audience in rapt attention as she explained, “We can always learn to remove blockage, invite prosperity, invoke angels and seek abundance in life through simple remedies.”

The perks of attending this event was not just the ‘Zero Entry Fee’, it was the free access to a wealth of wellness wisdom, resolutions and answers to problems that may or may not have been even recognized by them.

"????: ??????: ?????? ?????? (lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu) which means 'May all in the world be healthy, happy, free, and peaceful' is the core philosophy from which I continue to derive inspiration and make a positive contribution in the lives of people,” Sanjeev Mittal mentioned, when asked about his dedication in holding such unique events at regular intervals.

One of the organizers, Abhinaya, who is a Business Partner at The Holistic Living, expressed, “It is an exemplary way of working at The Holistic Living. Our work itself brings us a step closer towards zen and enlightenment.” Abhinaya’s colleague, Vidushi Vyas, added that to spread wellness wisdom across the world including the millions of people in India is a feeling of pride.

Organizers offered free passes for the interested people through their official social media accounts including Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. These sessions were hosted on Zoom, a free pass to which could be sought for online access on WhatsApp at +91-9321447981.

It is pertinent to mention that The Holistic Living® is a unique one-stop community wellness platform for promoting 360° wellness and helping people live the life of their dreams. The platform not only lets people find a perfect coach but also provides access to life transforming wellness events and webinars.

Life Coaches, Healers, Counsellors and Therapists at The Holistic Living® pilot individuals into their wellness journey and encourage them to unleash their unique potential across all seven key elements of life.The Holistic Living Celebrates Womanhood With Unique Group Life Coaching Sessions

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