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14 Things to do for better Website Conversion

Every website is hungry for traffic, the actual motive of doing and growing is to drive more leads. So, is your website built to convert? Now you must be wondering What are conversions on a website? How can I convert my website? And so on…….then we got you!

More traffic won’t let you grow your leads until it’s well structured and analyzed. If you’re interested in raising leads to your business CRO is a crucial part to work on. But the major area of concern is how to actually start with it? What changes would make a better impact? Will it include a lot of cost? In case you are not ready to invest in CRO there are still simpler ways you can do to improve conversion on website. So, let’s get started!

Use content that is appropriate for your intended audience

First, and most important is the content you are putting over your site should resonate with your targeted audience. It should be something that connects and understands your customer’s needs. The moment they’ll feel that “Okay, it’s this I’m looking for”, they will surely look more into it. Be heedful of the tone you are using, it should be persuasive and influencing enough to communicate your business idea and product specifications in one reading.

Keep it Simple

While designing your website, always keep in mind it shouldn’t be complicated and content is readable without any hindrance. Simplicity is louder, and it lets me speak first! Keep what you actually want to convey, too many colors, texts, and calls to action can be overwhelming for your visitors, leading to lower website conversion. Eliminate more paragraphs, and make something that’s impactful with just a simple photo or drawing, minimal text, and here you go to let your visitors get curious about it!

For instance, look at the website of “Hello Monday” it is one of the winning websites of 2021. Now, you can also see how simplicity is speaking and letting you think- “I should check into, what is, it looks attractive and fun!”.

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Make it customer-centric

Now, let’s get to the actual reason, why are you doing business? How are you going to grow? The obvious answer is for customers, and for raising qualified leads and website conversion analysis. Any person surfing over intent in need of looking for the right solution, then they want to hear about them! Write in a customer-centric tone, talk about the benefits they’ll get by investing in your product or service. How you can help them in fulfilling their desires. Lastly, to ensure better conversion on website, don’t let the other things overshadow the exact idea behind it. Look, Willow, it’s exact and by a few lines, it is telling the right idea without any extra fuss!

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Make it more visually attractive

The website should be more visually attractive and strong to engage more users. It is not at all about cleaning up our content. Both things should be balanced out properly to realize the full potential of your website. You can take help from stock photos, or create your own visuals that will be better. The photos should not be blurry, remember to invest your time and skills on the right path to raise website conversion.

Nowness is another award-winning website of 2021, it has the right amalgamation of photos and content, and is quite simplified with lots of content on the page at the same time. This is something you all can try with yours!

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Put a captivating headline

Most of your efforts and money goes into deciding the main headline for your website. If your headline isn’t eye-catching, intriguing it won’t drive attention and let people stay on your site for long enough. No matter how great your content is, unless the user won’t read it it is of no use! The Headline is the first thing your visitor will see, that’s why it should be excellent and precise as it will be your first impression on your audience!

Simply Chocolate is a precisely designed website with immense creativity!

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Raise your credibility

By raising your website’s credibility you can build more trust about your brand or business into the minds of your audience. You can add testimonials and reviews to gain more credibility in the eyes of your visitors- especially those who are visiting for the first time!

People always look into the reviews and feedback before purchasing any clothing or going to a restaurant for the first time. They trust by looking into others actions- which makes them become a lead for you!. And that’s what feedback contributes to conversion on website. It has been seen that around 91% of online consumers aged 18-30 trust reviews as much as personal recommendation or words! So, make sure to use genuine reviews on your website.

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Be the solution provider

This is the ultimate phenomenon for website conversion analysis, and winning more leads! Provide a solution, but before that identify the problem and need of your customers. Point out the problem, and inflame that query just a bit. Then mention if they failed to fix out, then you are here to make their work seamless and offer them your solution. It can all be done with the right tone, captivating texts, and persuasive way of solution offering. A major component should be to convert visitors into qualified leads!

Optimize your lead capture forms

“Keeping forms to only the essentials”- said by conversion expert Tim Ash. It is said right when you want your customer to sign up quickly- then you must make sure to have it quite simple and short. It won’t let your visitors drop off just because of the long texts and too many blanks. It’s important to respect the user’s time and let them do the task in a few seconds.

Look at this Dropbox’s signup form, you can take help with this and design your signup interface easily with minimal blanks to be filled in to create a wide customer base and website conversion. It’s direct, minimal, easy, and super quick!

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Run impressive ad campaigns

The most prominent and reliable platform to run an ad campaign currently is “Facebook”. It is one of the most popular platforms where you can easily attract and influence your audience. Use Facebook ads to capture attention and advertise upcoming deals or offers. This will help you generate hot leads and eventually better conversion on website. The interesting part of Facebook is the ads can be shared among people, business referrals, which will raise more chances of you coming into your audience’s eyes.

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Offer the Right value proposition

One of the major things on your website that should be cross-checked and well-analyzed is the value proposition. If you will succeed in making it right, it can be a huge boost in the website conversion for the long run. It can help you refurbish your marketing strategies across multiple channels without any hindrance. The major impact is it leads you to give a good impression by letting them know you have the right solution as per their needs. Mainly, it’s like a brand’s promise to deliver great value to the prospects through the right means and solution-oriented services.

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Apple’s Value Proposition is its Security

Precise Calls to Action (CTA)

If you want to play differently, and offer an impressive experience, then CTA is a crucial marketing strategy to go for. The way is to use the right language and precise placements CTA on your website. As a fact, having a simple, and basic colored CTA button or tab on the landing page increases conversion rates by 80 percent. The keys to follow are:

  • Keep it simple
  • Personalize it
  • Place it on your landing page
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Have a live chat feature using chatbots

Integrating an automated chat feature in your support system can be an intelligent move for conversion on the website. Chatbots empower you to reach people in real-time, they ask anything at the same time while they visit your site. They need not call or use email for any query. Reports say around 35% of online prospects want to see more brands using bots. You can be present 24/7 even if you are out of work, as a bot handles all the queries on your behalf without any human intervention. How they help in website conversion:

  • Prompt response
  • Qualify leads
  • Scalability’
  • Gathers customer information
  • 24/7 support and so on
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 Embed trust badges on your site

Another way of winning better conversion on website is to show people you are a reliable source and offer security services. This will help prospects build trust and they won’t hesitate while making online payments as you will give assurance by the won badges that it’s a secure portal. A few that can use are:

  • Contact information
  • Social handle links
  • Payment assurance- SSL, Certificates, Badges, and so on….

It not only helps to build trust but also helps in your website SEO. It can help you come in the good eyes of Google.

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Don’t forget to perform A/B testing

Every single business or brand out there needs their visitors to act and move forward over their website. This can be achieved if your funnel is well optimized, which will eventually raise the website conversion analysis and rate. A/B testing is considered one of the best ways for website conversion rate optimization (CRO). Currently, it has been used by around 56% of marketers, they find it quite beneficial. For instance, for e-commerce websites or businesses, it may be the scale of products, on the other hand for B2B, for generation of leads.

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To sum up

These are some of the simplest ways that can lead you to achieve big motives and a bunch of leads that will raise your customer base and revenue. Take these 14 things into account on your business site, and try to ally them for better website conversion rates. Your site is your online store where you can present all your ideas and make people see them!

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