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Kashmir is whole integral part of India and India is the voice of Kashmiris.

It’s not required to remind everyone and every time that Kashmir is part of India, not a state of its own. The subcontinent was forcibly divided between Pakistan and India in the so-called partition, and the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir was given the right to join India or Pakistan. In August 1947, India and Pakistan gained independence but failed to reach an agreement on the future of the state, most of which remained in India as Kashmir. Despite the three wars between the two countries, the state of Jammu & Kashmir has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan ever since.

I have read many places that “The Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir was wiped from the map of the subcontinent, never recognized as “Indian” in international eyes, and divided into three separate states: Kashmir, Ladakh, and the Kashmir Valley. India has lost control of all parts of Ladakh, especially Aksai Chin, which is part of Jammu state and the Kashmir valley.” I agree that India does not have control over Aksai Chin and POK as Kashmir valley, But it’s the whole and a sole part of India.
The Maharajah of Kashmir has joined the State of India, Kashmir is and was an integrated part of India.

The Indian government always heard the voice of Kashmiris as Kashmiris were not happy with the terrorist organization activities in Kashmir valley like Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Badr, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front. Incidents of violence have reduced significantly in Kashmir valley after August 5 and security forces have achieved major success against terrorists

What has changed in one-year since abrogation of Article 370

On the first anniversary of the abolition of Article 370, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has presented a list of measures to strengthen the power of the people through the newly constituted panchayats. Wednesday, August 5, marked the one-year anniversary of the repeal of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. Of the 170 key laws in force, 138 have been amended, 164 have been repealed and the number of grants for minorities has increased to 262.

All 1,000 rupees parked in a building were diverted to consolidated funds, according to the government of Jammu and Kashmir, the prime minister’s office.

Violence in the Kashmir Valley has fallen significantly since 5 August and the number of explosives attacks has fallen significantly. The security forces have made great progress in the fight against terrorists, according to the Union’s Interior Ministry, which also noted that terrorist activities in the valley have fallen by about 36% since Article 370 was repealed. Over the same period, 75 security forces and 23 civilians were killed, compared with an average of 14 deaths a day last year. There have also been six bomb attacks in Jammu and Kashmir since late July last year, and 14 in July 2015.

During the same period, 110 local terrorists were killed in Jammu and Kashmir, including 11 in the last three months and 16 in July and August last year. Security forces have also killed more than 1,000 terrorists in the same period, mostly from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan – Kashmir’s separatists.

A total of 148 terrorists were killed in the valley between January 2020 and July 30, 48 of them in June alone.

Security forces also blew up 22 terrorist hideouts on July 15 and seized 190 weapons, including several AK-47 rifles. Security forces have killed more than 1,000 wanted terrorists, most of them in the past two years.

An official document proving that a person is resident in a particular state or territory of the Union has been issued to over 4 lakh people in Jammu and Kashmir. Residence certificates were issued to more than 1.5 lakh residents of the state and over 2 lakh in the Union territories. In J Kashmir, residence certificates are issued for more than 3.2 million people, up from 2.1 million in 2013.

Interestingly, almost 3.7 million people who have obtained residence permits are already permanent residents of the Union. A significant proportion is those deemed residents in the state under Artice 35A, which has now been repealed.

In particular, the Board has approved the recruitment of 1.5 million people to fill Class IV posts. In the first phase, over 10,000 vacancies at all levels were identified for recruitment in various departments, “said Tamil Nadu Prime Minister Sushil Kumar Modi.

A bridge with a medium span of 467 meters has been built, and a project to connect the valley with the rest of India for the first time by 2022 has been completed, with the aim of connecting the valley with other parts of the state such as Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and West Bengal by 2020. The government has decided to allow more than 1.5 million people in rural Tamil Nadu to reserve their accommodation. The reservation has now been extended to residents across international borders, benefiting nearly 70,000 families. Reservations are now available for residents of all states and the Union Territories, except Himachal Pradesh and Telangana.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the construction of a new base for the Indian army in the remote areas of Himachal Pradesh, assuring that development of remote areas and regions would remain a top priority for the NDA government.

The Ujh project was pushed forward quickly and work began on an electricity and irrigation project that had been in limbo for five decades.

After the land register reform, Jammu and Kashmir gave up their land rights for the first time in more than a decade. The subway is on its way from Srinagar to J Kashmir and will be the largest subway system in the world with a total capacity of 1.5 million people.

The city council can now approve projects worth up to five million rupees, and the local government has also changed its guidelines on the use of public funds for public works projects. The implementation of the land register reform was also made binding by the state government and the local governments were also changed.

The government has introduced a number of insurance schemes, including the Atal pension scheme, which has also been introduced in the newly incorporated territories of the Union.

Satya Pal Malik jointly inaugurated 15 power plant projects and laid the foundation stone for a new 1,000-megawatt hydropower plant in Jammu and Kashmir in September 2019. The Centre has created a number of people-oriented development programs, such as the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development (PSCD). More than 3,000 jobs have been created for Kashmiri migrants at a cost of more than 1,080 crores. A competition for 1,781 posts has been completed and 604 candidates have joined forces in different departments by 22 February 2020.

These posts are among the 3,000 that MOSs says were approved for 2,905 posts under the Prime Minister’s 2008 package of measures. In 2008, 3,000 Kashmiri migrants were employed in jobs in various fields such as education, health, and health. The center also pays monthly cash payments to Kashmiri migrants living in Jammu. Since 2014, the monthly cash allowance has been increased twice, from Rs 6,600 per family to Rs 5,800 per month and Rs 7,500 per week to Rs 8,200 per year.

Trade union minister Jitendra Singh said the central government had approved the construction of a 1,000-megawatt hydroelectric power plant in Jammu and Kashmir by February 2020 to provide uninterrupted water to farmers in the J & K districts of Kashmir and Kathua, as well as a multi-purpose power generation project. Migrants in Kashmir will also be provided with dry rations under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) over the next five years.

In January 2020, the Modi government approved the construction of a 1,000-megawatt hydropower plant in Jammu and Kashmir by February 2020.

The program, which has been in place for more than a decade, envisages the construction of a 1,000-megawatt hydropower plant in Jammu and Kashmir by February 2020. The new release will also help develop 2,500 megawatts of hydropower capacity in the state.

In Kashmir, where the BJP has never won a parliamentary seat, it has consolidated its organizational structure and doubled its membership to 2.5 million. If there is one party that has remained active since August 5, he said, “it is the BJP,” which is said to be the largest party in Jammu and Kashmir and the second largest in the country.

This has allowed it to increase its membership in the valley from 4.5% to seven% and has forced it to behave in a similar way to other political parties in India, such as the Congress and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

Today, 1,266 Panches and Sarpanches have had to behave in a similar way to other political parties in the valley, such as the Congress and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In Kashmir, there is now an established political party, the Panchayat Party (PPP), which represents 4.5% of the population.

Last December, the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) published a preliminary report on the economic assessment and losses. Between August and October 2019, Kashmir’s economy suffered a loss of 17,800 crores, and 4.9 crore jobs were lost. Sheikh Ashiq, president of K CCI, said the loss for Kashmir companies from August 2020 will be 40,000 rupees, adding that job losses will vary from season to season. In December 2018, most hospitality jobs have been lost since the government ordered tourists to leave Kashmir for three days after the destruction of Article 370, “he said. By December 2019, a total of 1.5 million jobs in the tourism sector were reported to the government, including 3,500 in the hotel sector, 1,400 in retail, and 2,300 in agriculture.

12,000 jobs were lost in horticulture, floristry, agriculture, and sericulture. Manufacturing was reported as the largest sector with 70,000 job losses, followed by retail with 30,500 jobs and agriculture with 10,400 jobs.

More than 2.5 million people work in crafts and horticulture provides 30 lakh, people, directly and indirectly in Kashmir a livelihood. Most craftsmen lost their jobs when the lockout disrupted access to raw materials for export.

Thousands of carpet weavers closed their looms in the carpet belts of Pattan, Sumbal, and Baramulla and worked small jobs to earn a living. The situation of artisans working in scarves, paper, and woodcarvings is no better. Because of the blockade of communication, most of them have not been able to sell their holdings since last year, “said an award-winning artist from Jammu and Kashmir’s Srinagar.

Rather its Kashmiris or a non Kashmiris Indian Government is equal to all and hear to all citizens of India, Development will be not immediate but definitely time will so the benefits of removing article 370 and 15A. There are fundamental rights and duties of all citizens and we must obey the same.

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