Coronavirus Is a laboratory intervention Made In China – Dr Li-Meng Yan, Virologist

Story Highlights
  • claims that the Corona virus, which causes chaos around the world, is being manufactured in a state-controlled laboratory in Wuhan.
  • the Chinese government manufactured and deliberately released the coronavirus in a laboratory in Wuhan.

Dr. Li Meng Yan is in the eye of a storm after claiming that a novel coronavirus is a human – a laboratory intervention. In a shocking revelation, he claims that the Corona virus, which causes chaos around the world, is being manufactured in a state-controlled laboratory in Wuhan.

Coronavirus Is a laboratory intervention Made In China - Dr Li-Meng Yan, Virologist
Dr. Leo Poon

Dr. Leo Poon is his superior, and the consultant asked him what he would do about it. With this astonishing revelation, he claims – and is offered to back up his claims – that this is really happening in mainland China. [Sources: 0, 2, 3, 18]

In the next six – and one and a half minutes – he explains that the Chinese government manufactured and deliberately released the coronavirus in a laboratory in Wuhan. [Sources: 19]

Coronavirus Is a laboratory intervention Made In China - Dr Li-Meng Yan, Virologist
Dr Li-Meng Yan

Dr Yan goes on to say that COVID-19 is “man-made” and that the virus was created by the Chinese military. Dr Yan then goes on: ‘I’m sure it was made by humans and they created this virus.’ DrYan then went on to say that ‘COVID-‘ 19 ‘is’ man-make ‘and’ they created this virus. [Sources: 6]

If COVID-19 is “man-made” and not natural, then we can say it is not natural, “Yanbe said in an interview with the New York Times on October 16, 2015. [Sources: 5]

Yan said he worked at the world’s leading coronavirus lab, the Hong Kong School of Public Health. He said his supervisor initially asked him to investigate a new SARS virus – as he did in Wuhan on December 31 – but his efforts were later stifled. Dr. Li said he was working at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Beijing when his boss asked Dr. Yan to investigate the outbreak in W Kuhan. She said her supervisor initially asked her to investigate the new “SARS-like virus.” “In Wuhen on December 31, but their efforts were later” stifled. ” She has spent the past two years working in a research lab at China’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the leading research institutes in China. [Sources: 10, 13, 15, 20]

Photo by Edward Jenner on

According to a report in the New York Post, she said the virus came from her lab and the Chinese government had controlled her. Dr. Li said that his supervisor at the Hong Kong School of Public Health asked him on December 31 to investigate a new “SARS-like virus” in Wuhan, but his efforts were later stifled. Chinese authorities, and he feared that if he spoke out, he would be caught by them , so in April he decided to flee to the USA and Hong Kong. But Dr Li said he did not leave Hong Kong because he knew how China treats whistleblowers. [Sources: 7, 11, 12]

Dr Li fled to Hong Kong in April to raise awareness of the pandemic, but now plans to publish scientific evidence proving the virus was made in a lab in Wuhan. Dr. Li Meng Yan said he believed China knew the coronavirus better than it claimed. This comes after Yan released a report this week claiming to back up his claim that China created the viruses in his lab. [Sources: 5, 6, 12]

The 26-page paper, led by a postdoctoral researcher who has since left the University of Hong Kong, has not been peer-reviewed, but claims that evidence of genetic engineering is being censored in scientific journals. [Sources: 14]

Yan, a virologist, has been accused of hiding facts about SARS and CoV-2, and he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Show last week to say that “the Chinese government is deliberately releasing viruses around the world.” However, he doubled down on his claim on the Carlson Show that he fled China after revealing the truth about COVID-19. Dr. Yan was a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, where his superiors initially asked him to investigate a new “SARS-like” virus in Wuhan on December 31, according to his own account, but later claimed his efforts were stifled. [Sources: 8, 9, 10, 16]

In July, the University of Hong Kong released a statement that actually said: “Dr. Yan Limeng was a postdoctoral fellow at HKU. In July, the University of Hong Kong, under the auspices of the Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology of the University of Hong Kong, presented this declaration. Dr. Yan Lim Engbing as a postdoctoral researcher at the HK UHKU, “the statement published in July said. [Sources: 11, 20]

The scientists said that Dr. Li Meng Yan was commissioned to investigate the new pneumonia in Wuhan and that he had been commissioned by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CHAS) in Beijing. The scientist said he was assigned to study the latest pneumonia at Wohuanshui University of Medicine and Dentistry (UHU), a research institute of China’s National Institute of Public Health. [Sources: 1, 2]

Dr. Li Meng Yan said he believed China knew the coronavirus better than it claimed, and said Beijing knew about it long before the reports. Coronaviruses are made in a state laboratory in Wuhan, China, “said Dr. Li Meng, specializing in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health. It was clearly established that Covid-19 came from a laboratory with links to the People’s Liberation Army. [Sources: 4, 6, 7, 17]


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