World News

Trump says U.S.-China relationship is ‘severely damaged,’ phase 2 trade deal not a priority

Story Highlights
  • President Donald Trump said he isn’t focused on a possible next phase of the U.S. trade deal with China, adding that the relationship between the two nations has been “severely damaged” by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Trump blamed China for not stopping the spread of the coronavirus, according to reporters who were traveling with the president on Air Force One en route to Florida.
  • Trump said he wasn’t even thinking about “phase two” of the trade deal and that he had many other things on his mind.

President Donald Trump said Friday that he isn’t pondering a potential next phase of the U.S. exchange accord with China, including that the connection between the two countries has been “seriously harmed” by the coronavirus pandemic.

“They could have halted the plague. They could have halted it. They didn’t stop it,” Trump said on Air Force One in transit to Florida, as indicated by correspondents present on the plane.

Inquired as to whether that erosion signified “stage two” of the U.S.- China economic alliance would not occur anymore, Trump said he wasn’t in any event, considering it and that he had numerous different things at the forefront of his thoughts.

The status of the exchange understanding between the two financial superpowers, the principal period of which was marked and became effective recently, has gone under inquiry in the midst of the Covid-19 emergency.

The infection, which was first seen in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread far and wide and negatively affected America’s wellbeing and economy. In excess of 3 million cases and at any rate 133,291 passings from Covid-19 have been accounted for in the U.S., as per information from Johns Hopkins University.

Trump said in May that he was “exceptionally torn” about whether to scrap the main period of the settlement with Beijing, while authorities in his organization have guaranteed that the two nations are as yet expected to respect the arrangement.

Stage one of the arrangement followed an extended exchange war with China that hung over quite a bit of Trump’s first term in office. The understanding stepped toward tending to issues including licensed innovation assurances and constrained innovation moves, while additionally saying that China will purchase at any rate $200 billion worth of U.S. merchandise more than two years.

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