Robert E. Lee monument removal crew finds what is believed to be 1887 time tablet

Crews ending up the removal of a pedestal the salvage a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee as soon as stood within the heart of Richmond, Virginia like realized what looks to be a time tablet that used to be buried there extra than a century ago. 

“They realized it! Right here is probably going the time tablet all americans used to be purchasing for,” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam tweeted Monday morning, along with several pictures of a box being eliminated from the issue. 

  • A time tablet exhibit in proximity to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee monument.  (Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam)

  • A employee facing a time tablet from the 1880s.  (Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam)

  • Gov. Northam acknowledged the box would be opened at a later date.  (Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam)

If there are contents inside of, their situation wasn’t straight particular. Northam acknowledged conservators are studying the box and it would possibly perchance per chance perchance well perchance be opened on a later date.  

The time tablet’s discovery marked the most contemporary pattern in a months-long search for it. Contemporaneous news accounts display the tablet used to be positioned within the course of a cornerstone-laying ceremony in 1887 attended by hundreds of of us. Recordsdata accounts described its dozens of donated artifacts, including Confederate memorabilia. 


Crews dismantling the pedestal earlier this month realized a time tablet embedded in a granite block that some in the initiating blueprint would possibly perchance per chance well were the one positioned in 1887. 

Crews cross half of the corrupt as they try and locate a time tablet acknowledged to be buried within the corrupt of the statue of on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021.
(AP Record/Steve Helber)

Teach conservators spent hours final week prying the box delivery but did not get the anticipated trove of Confederacy-generation objects they’d hoped. As an replacement, conservators pulled out a couple of waterlogged books, a silver coin, and an envelope with some papers. The behold the 1887 time tablet resumed Monday.

Devon Henry, the contractor whose company used to be overseeing the removal, acknowledged the box used to be realized inside of a granite enclosure at ground level, surrounded by personal and various building field matter. 


Workers pulled off the tip of the granite enclosure to get the copper box, sitting in water, Henry acknowledged. The box used to be then lined in bubble wrap and transported by automobile from the issue for additional look, he acknowledged.

The Lee statue, depicting the well-liked atop a horse, used to be erected on the hovering pedestal overlooking Richmond, the stale capital of the Confederacy, in 1890. 

Its removal in September came extra than a year after Northam ordered or no longer it’s taken down within the wake of nationwide protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd, a Gloomy man, in Minneapolis. Floyd’s demise sparked a debate over racial injustice within the United States and renewed calls to tear down Confederate statues. 

The statue of Confederate Customary Robert E. Lee is bathed within the leisurely solar on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., Monday, Sept. 6, 2021. 
(AP Record/Steve Helber)

The statue of Gen. Lee used to be one of five chunky Confederate tributes along Monument Avenue, and the finest one which belonged to the issue of Virginia. The four city-owned statues were taken down in 2020, but the Lee statue’s removal used to be blocked by two lawsuits till a ruling from the Supreme Court of Virginia in September cleared the sort for it to be dismantled.

Crews sought for the time tablet then, digging and casting off some big stones, but were unable to locate it.


Henry acknowledged it used to be realized Monday within the northeast corner of the pedestal, about 4 ft beneath the gap in the initiating searched. Finalizing the removal work at the issue will likely prefer yet every other week, he acknowledged. 

The Related Press contributed to this disclose.  

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