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Mumbai hoarding collapse: Billboard proprietor Bhavesh Bhinde is a rape accused | Particulars

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Mumbai hoarding collapse: Bhavesh Bhinde, who’s the proprietor of Ego Media Deepest Restricted, has been absconding. His mobile mobile telephone has been switched off.

Bhavesh Bhinde, who’s the pinnacle of Ego Media Deepest Restricted, owned the hoarding which collapsed in India’s Mumbai amid a storm and claimed no longer decrease than 16 lives.

The firm used to be to blame for the installation of the gargantuan hoarding in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar lisp. The police have filed a case against him after the incident. Bhavesh Bhinde had faced an accusation of rape in January this year and a case used to be registered against him on the Mulund Police Location.

The police have now filed every other FIR against Bhavesh Bhinde alongside with others for culpable extinguish no longer amounting to extinguish at Pant Nagar police lisp.

Who’s Bhavesh Bhinde?

Bhavesh Bhinde used to be accused of rape in January and the police had registered a case against him on the Mulund Police Location. The police had also filed a chargesheet.

In step with a represent printed by NDTV, Bhavesh Bhinde had secured diverse contracts from the Indian Railways and the Brihanmumbai Municipal Company (BMC) to set up banners and billboards thru the years.

Bhinde, nonetheless, allegedly breached the guidelines of the two entities a couple of times. Bhinde, alongside with other mates in his firm, has been implicated in circumstances which eager tree poisoning and tree slicing.

Bhavesh Bhinde had also contested the Maharashtra legislative assembly election in 2009 from Mulund as an Impartial candidate but did not obtain.

As per an affidavit filed by Bhinde whereas contesting the polls, he had declared 23 criminal circumstances against him.

Glimpse: Mumbai Mud Storm: As a minimum 14 killed after billboard reverse a gasoline lisp collapses

Bhinde had earlier managed a firm called Guju Ads. This firm used to be subsequently blacklisted by the BMC thanks to a couple of valid concerns.

Even after the blacklisting, Bhinde began Ego Media Pvt Ltd and continued securing contracts for billboards and hoardings.

The illegal hoarding, which used to be set in on the land owned by the Authorities Railway Police (GRP), fell over a petroleum pump in the Chheda Nagar lisp amid grime storms and rains in town.

In step with the officers, the quest and rescue operation used to be performed on the region of the collapse for 30 hours on Tuesday (May maybe per chance moreover 14) and is seemingly to proceed for some extra hours.

(With inputs from agencies)


Prisha is a digital journalist at WION and she majorly covers global politics. She likes to dive into aspects and locate varied cultures and histories


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